How can I extend my gutter downpipe without leaks or replacing the old pipe?
Hey, so I need some advice about my gutter situation. I want to make the downpipe longer so the rainwater flows further away to the drain. The plan was to just swap out the old pipe for a new one, but the old bolts are so rusted and stuck that it’s going to be a huge pain to remove them!
I’ve been looking at adding an extension at the bottom, but the only pipes I’m finding are too small to fit inside the current one. There are still some gaps between the two pipes, which causes water to leak out instead of flowing smoothly.
Do you know of any adaptors that could help make the new pipe fit better? Or maybe some kind of rubber seal to stop the leaks? Or should I be approaching this in a completely different way? Any suggestions would be awesome, thanks!
Those ferncos are not shielded and should be safeguarded from rodents. I recently watched an episode of “This Old House” where they had a rain chain partially buried in a pot with a drilled-out bottom filled with gravel and covered with river stones to enhance its appearance. Perhaps you could protect this coupling by placing it in a modified ceramic vessel filled with rocks, at least for the duration of the coupling’s life.
Made a visit here just to mention that.
I would recommend going with a larger size, like 4 inches. You could even consider using a 4-inch pipe cut at an angle for better overlap. If it’s still not big enough, you can heat it up with a heat gun to shape it. Another option is to look into green PVC pipes designed for sewer systems, they have a bell end for easy coupling.
Sure, start by measuring the inside diameter. It seems to be around 3 inches. Then choose a flexible coupling that matches the pipe size you need.
Most likely a fernco fitting in 3 or 4 inches
Use a rubber fernco coupling to redirect the pipe away from the building as much as you can
Kit for extending downspouts