How can I efficiently prepare a wall for cute kids wallpaper without filling all the tiny holes or resorting to plastering?

Asked by Villads Petersen
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 12, 2024

Hey there! I need some advice on wallpapering this wall with cute kid’s wallpaper. Do I have to fill in all these little holes first, or is there a quicker solution that won’t take forever? Plastering is out of my budget, so I’m trying to avoid that. This wall used to have a thick textured wallpaper that I removed, and now I’m regretting not trying to paper over it. Live and learn, right? 🙈

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Emmanuel Martin

Plastering one wall will be quicker than you think and will result in the best appearance. Or just go for it! It’s your home, after all!

Mike Rice

Using a wallpaper liner, also known as bridging paper, can help smooth out any imperfections before applying the wallpaper. I found it to be quite helpful!

Evelise Vieira

Hey Carolyn, I’m doing well, thanks for asking! Before using lining paper, should I do anything to the wall like filling or prepping it? Also, is it possible to apply regular wallpaper directly over lining paper? Sorry if these questions seem silly – I’m new to wallpapering!

Renzo Deschamps

Is this located in a basement? The wall resembles cement, right? I completely get that you can only work with the budget you have. However, if this is a basement, you might encounter moisture problems if you directly apply wallpaper to the wall. This could explain why the old wallpaper was peeling.

Evelise Vieira

No, that’s actually one of the walls in the bedroom. It’s the one that’s connected to the neighbor’s house. It was built in 2016 and there are no issues with moisture. The old wallpaper had been up since the house was built, so I believe the peeling was just due to the age or maybe a rushed/sloppy installation.

Evelise Vieira

(it looks dark because I took the photo in the evening haha)

Renzo Deschamps

Oh I see. The picture made it look like cement with those little holes. I wouldn’t know where to start here. I’m more familiar with removing wallpaper. Good luck with everything!

Evelise Vieira

I’m clueless about what materials they use for building houses haha. I always thought it was concrete, but it seems like there are issues like bubbles from rushed or cheap work, especially in new construction projects these days 🤷🏻‍♀️

Emmi Seppanen

You’ll need to either prime the walls or use draw tite. There seems to be a lot of loose paper left from removing the old wallpaper.

Evelise Vieira

The paper off the wall carefully. I noticed some white patches that might be smoothing compound from construction. I plan to prime first, but I’m not sure if I should fill in all the small holes before putting up the wallpaper.

Emmi Seppanen

Make sure to prime before doing anything with the drywall paper. This way, you can see if there are any areas that need extra work.

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