How can I effectively remove thick, sticky glue from a concrete floor that was previously covered with sheet vinyl flooring?

Asked by باران گلشن
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 6, 2024

Hey there! Need some advice, please. So, we’ve got sheet vinyl flooring all over our house, but it’s in rough shape with chipping and lifting. We’ve decided to switch things up and tile the floors, starting in the living room (which used to be a carport). The floor needs some leveling because it slopes for water runoff. Problem is, under the vinyl we found a thick, sticky glue that’s proving to be a real pain to remove. We’ve tried various products to no avail, and the concrete underneath is textured like a driveway, making it even trickier. Any suggestions on what might actually work to get rid of this stubborn glue? Any advice is much appreciated!

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Aline Küsters

Consider renting a concrete floor sander from Home Depot or a floor sandblaster from a rental company to save a significant amount of time!!!

علی رضا كامياران

Thank you, !

Aline Küsters

The best option is to sandblast the floor

Pasquale Meunier

Do you have any idea how old that floor is? Mastic from the 1950s had asbestos. Make sure to get it tested before attempting to remove it.

Personally, I suggest looking into using an SLC (Self Leveling Concrete) since you’ll need to level it anyways. This can be placed over the mastic, encapsulating any harmful material and is safe for asbestos. It will also make the process much easier and cleaner.

علی رضا كامياران

Mentions that it’s approximately 12 years old

Pasquale Meunier

It’s a good deal if there is no asbestos. I suggest just getting SLC and finishing it

Dolores Deschamps

I recommend using a grinder instead of adhesive remover, as the remover is only making the situation worse.

Dulce Ríos

Do you think we should have a vapor barrier between the cement and tile? Maybe using backer board or uncoupling membrane could help, so the type of glue we use won’t be as important.

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