How can I decorate or make the base of my broken fireplace look cute or useful without adding a woodburning stove or separate fireplace?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 2, 2024
Hey there! We’re sprucing up this old cabin and getting rid of that broken wood fireplace. Now it’s just this awkward base on the wall, no fireplace or anything. Any thoughts on how to jazz it up or make it look cute? I tried researching online but no luck. Appreciate any ideas you have! Thanks!
Wood burning stove
Make sure your chimney is in good condition before using a wood-burning stove. I find it therapeutic to build and tend to the fire every night. While splitting wood can be tiring, it’s all part of the experience. You’ll get a good workout and save money on heating with a wood stove.
I can’t see any way to enhance that design.
I bought a candleabra with battery-operated candles (including a remote) that can turn on/off, adjust brightness, and switch between steady light and flickering. I purchased both items on Amazon and I’m pleased with them.
My daughter’s fireplace has an electric stove. It appears nice. It’s tidy but costly to operate