How can I cover up this orange stain disaster on my backyard gate – should I paint over it, sand it down, or use a stripping agent?

Asked by Hüseyin Wolfrum
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 26, 2024

I need help with fixing this situation. My husband put up a small gate in our backyard, and he chose a stain color called ‘Redwood’. The problem is, he’s color blind, and now we’re stuck with this bright orange gate that I can’t stand! Do you have any advice on the best way to change the color? Should I just paint over it? Sanding it down seems like a daunting task at this point. Is there a different method to remove the varnish? I appreciate any suggestions!

**update** I decided to try applying a darker stain over three of the rails, but it’s been three days and it’s still sticky to the touch…I’m not sure what to do next, any ideas? 🥴

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Judy Montgomery

Consider choosing a dark stain shade from the minwax polyshades line. It’s a combination of polyurethane and stain, perfect for covering the orange hue. Test a small section beforehand since it seems like there may be some supernatural activity going on.

Emma Poulsen

Minwax Polyshades are great for indoor projects like furniture and cabinets, but they are not suitable for outdoor use in direct sunlight and bad weather. I used to work in a paint department and sold a lot of Minwax. You should use an exterior stain for the fence.

Babür Pektemek

Do you think it will work over varnish?

Noah King

Try pressure washing it with a non-rotating head, and make sure to clean that detail sander! lol 💔 Ryobi’s electric pressure washer is fantastic, so if you don’t have one, I would definitely suggest getting one. Another idea is to also stain the posts, then use mineral spirits on a rag to wipe it down slightly. This might lighten it up. Just be sure to test it on a scrap piece first.

Emma Poulsen

You might consider applying a darker exterior color like charcoal or dark brown to better match the landscape.

Quírio Freitas

It’s funny how he started by doing just one picket and then decided to do all of them 😂

Ranveer Prajapati

I was actually thinking about using a pressure washer as well

Raquel Vásquez

Adding more coats for a darker shade

Laurie Young

I think a chocolate stain on top could look really nice, it might even weather in a pretty way

Madieke Klasens

Can you believe my husband chose this color for our entire privacy fence? Men 🤦🏼‍♀️

Veeti Keranen

Steph Spence Day! Haha, no one stares at it too long, right? Privacy at its finest!

Madieke Klasens

Haha I notice it all the time. But as long as he doesn’t choose paint colors for the interior of the house, I’ll keep my mouth shut.

Richa Dhamdhame

How about painting it black?

Aymeric Gaillard

Well, at least he’s capable of building and hanging a fence. I often have to remind my husband to turn it right to tighten it.

Franck Pierre

Hold on, we’re both married to the same guy? How crazy is that! Haha

Felix Hughes

Am I actually talking to this guy… so awkward

Afet Balaban

I would definitely use a grey stain on it

Dale Murphy

Do you think a dark green stain would complement the bushes and trees?

Umut Karadaş

Consider using a medium brown solid stain.

Asunción Medina

It will fade fast, but no need to stress over it.

Adalberto Parra

Just leave it to weather for a year.

Ellie Singh

I remember a similar situation with a dresser I had. The stain ended up looking too orange, just like this. I decided to lightly sand it, add a bit of black paint, and it turned into a beautiful deep cherry color.

مرسانا سالاری

Just treat the posts with the same wood treatment and you’re good to go. They’ll naturally weather into something nice within a year.

سپهر رضایی

It is absolutely stunning

Aiden Bélanger

Transparent Jocobean stain just isn’t the right choice. I suggest going with a solid color stain instead. I actually went with Behr on this swing last year and it still looks brand new today. The way it penetrates the wood is much better than paint.

Aiden Bélanger

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Aiden Bélanger

Maybe ask your husband to switch the diagonal brace on the left gate to match the right one. That way, it won’t sag anymore.

Hannelore Muller

Came by and shared the exact same thought! 😄

Glicéria Nogueira

Mentioned that the hinges may not be sturdy enough for the gates.

Quinn Clarke

In this scenario, with the diagonal positioned behind the horizontals instead of between them, the board experiences tension rather than compression like it would if it were between the horizontals. In this case, it is essentially functioning as a cable and turnbuckle, especially if it is not attached to any of the uprights.
Note: I also struggle with colors, so I may not be interpreting the image accurately.

Riley Allen

I really can’t stand that color either!!!

Charly Rey

I suggest painting the post the same color and then applying a chocolate stain as someone previously mentioned. It will give a nice look!

Steven Soto

Allow it some time to dry. Grab some darker semi-transparent stain and pour it into a Hudson sprayer, then lightly spray it on. ‘t worry about making it perfectly even in one go. Apply a couple of coats. Remember the motto “Thin to Win”. Also, consider installing the diagonal brace on the left side sloping down towards the post. This will assist in preventing sagging.

Alyssia Lopez

Put a darker stain on it with a smile 🙂

William Madsen

Consider applying another coat of stain in a color that complements the current one on the color wheel to soften the effect. For example, if it’s orange, you could try using blue. If blue isn’t an option, green would work too.

Bärbel Oberländer

Just add some decorations and it should be good to go.

Prince Stoppels

Have you thought about power washing it?

Radana Kotovskiy

Why not try pressure washing it first to see if you can remove some of the stain? It might be more efficient than sanding it down.

Johannes Benard

I personally love how it turned out! He did a great job, although you could opt for a darker stain if you prefer.

پارمیس سلطانی نژاد

Make sure to use a primer that can be stained before changing the color. And don’t forget to seal it once you’re done.

Luis Camacho

I’d suggest giving it a good wipe with mineral spirits and then applying a fresh coat of dark brown, don’t forget the posts on either side.

Justine Chow

Just give it some time to mature.

Lotta Kyllo

Shaking my head

Jade Anderson

It will likely age rapidly and become less vibrant.

Fatma Bakırcıoğlu

Burn it down

Albina Fabre

Appreciates the beauty of torch wood.

Natalia Mesa

If my wife called me out on it, I’d gladly paint it bright yellow for her to see!

Laura Amador

What type of stain was used? What is the base – oil, water, or some type of polymer? Determine that first before deciding on a plan of action. If the stain is oil or water-based, you could try toning it down with a wash-type stain. Another option is to apply a very transparent grey or green stain to mute the color. It might require multiple coats to achieve the desired tone or color. Alternatively, you could simply leave it as it is, knowing it will fade over time. Personally, I don’t find it offensive; I actually quite like it. The posts should be stained to match.

Mouaad Geertsema

You can easily apply gel stain over it – just paint it on.

Kora Harchuk

Try applying a different stain color with hints of green to balance it out

Monali Das

Explained that blue cancels out orange and green cancels out red. By the way, she works as a hairstylist.

Kora Harchuk

Did mention she prefers warm tones, just not too much red.

Stanko Cvetković

In 10 or 15 years, you probably won’t even realize.

Zackary Abraham

To be honest, it’s okay. The only thing that bothers me is the two different shades of wood for the gate posts not being stained or painted over. If you hang wreaths on the gates, it will tone it down a bit with a dark green color. You just have to have faith in the process. Keep in mind that the darker the stain, the more weathering will be visible over time outdoors.

Daniel Chen

I just can’t picture a scenario where my husband constructs a gate for our yard and I go online to gripe about the shade of the stain.

Gonzalo Sanz

You know what, is right about it being unattractive.

Daniel Chen

Hey, , that’s really lovely.

Ernesto Gutiérrez

Oh, is that ? Her husband must be going through a tough time.

Josif Mandić

I couldn’t agree more because my husband always has me choose the color since I have better taste haha!
In her position, I would feel the need to change it as well. It’s a poor choice of color for the area.

Daniel Chen

I just wish the author was kinder to her husband in person regarding his hard work on .

Josif Mandić

Everyone’s sensitivity levels vary. I didn’t interpret this as commenting on his physique. It’s simply a color preference 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve been married for 16 years and matters like this are insignificant. If my husband was bothered by my dislike of the color, our relationship wouldn’t have lasted this long because there are more important issues in life.

Brian Eike

Gave an amazing response. We have been in this together for 27 years and counting.

Nathan Mccoy

I totally agree with .

Joshua Jackson

Just wait for to arrive 😂

Josephine Craig

I would totally spray paint it! When I first saw this photo, I was like “where the heck is the rest of the fencing?” It just doesn’t mix well and looks like a gate without fencing.

Veeti Keranen

Try using a darker stain on top of that. I remember doing the same thing on my porch. The first stain I used ended up looking almost like red bark mulch… I switched to a darker stain (maybe walnut?) and applied a second coat. Initially, it was a bit more red than expected, but it eventually faded and I just reapplied when needed to get the right color.

Gerolf Manke

I ended up painting my deck with a solid Russet Brown color stain because the cedar stain/sealer didn’t allow a darker semi-transparent stain to adhere properly.

Azélio Sales

You could have probably done it on your own, right?

Cristóbal Márquez

I find myself having to restain my fence every other year because it weathers off. I guess I’ll just leave it for a year and see how it goes…

Talytha Carvalho

You were aware that he was color blind and still let him choose the stain. Now you have to live with it and laugh about it later. SMH. My father, who was color blind, selected the color for the house, resulting in a pink exterior (resembling a Mexican restaurant) instead of beige for our two-story house. My dad has since passed away and the house needs another coat of paint. It’ll probably be the same color. Lol

Laura Castillo

How about we paint the posts on each side in black?

Josif Mandić

Personally, I’d lean towards painting it black or charcoal to help it blend in with the background. Sanding all those intricate details sounds like a tedious task. Whichever option you choose, make sure to treat the posts the same way.

Carl Phillips

For optimal results, my suggestion would be to sand it down as much as possible. However, if you’re only looking to darken it, you should be able to apply a new coat of stain over the existing one. The color might not match perfectly, but using a dark walnut should result in a deep stain with a slightly reddish tint.

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