How can I cover my uneven stairs with flooring options other than carpet that I find unappealing?

Asked by Dicky Van den Houten
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 15, 2024

What are my options for the flooring on these uneven stairs? I’m thinking carpet would be the simplest choice, but I really dislike carpet.

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Veeti Jokinen

This flooring is laminate, featuring an oak stained transitional trim piece and stair treads with a standard trim riser.

Mike Rice

You have the option to attach planks to the stair treads and complete it with a stair nose. If you can achieve a smooth wood appearance, you can either paint them or apply a dark gel stain.

Özkan Akyüz

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Özkan Akyüz

I suggest starting with underlayment to ensure a smooth surface before proceeding because those steps appear to be rough. After that, you can proceed to install your planks.

Jordão Peixoto

The advice above is solid. Keep in mind that insurance or building codes often require railings for staircases with 4 or more steps.

Frederikke Johansen

Hardwood with stains.

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