How can I correct the color discrepancy in my exterior paint touch-ups that turned out blotchy and different from the original color?

Asked by Florence Olson
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 11, 2024

Help needed with exterior paint mishap!

So, we had our exterior vinyl painted by professionals last summer (it was originally a very light yellow/tan color). Everything was good until winter hit and the vinyl expanded, causing some small gaps to appear between the pieces. I tried to touch up the gaps with the leftover paint from the painters, but it ended up looking blotchy and terrible. Fast forward to last week, I bought a new gallon of the same paint from Sherwin Williams, color matched and all. I even got the recommended roller for exterior painting. However, when I tried to go over the touch up spots again, it dried as a completely different color 😫 Any idea why that happened? Can I fix it by using an exterior primer on the discolored spots before painting over them again? Feeling pretty defeated with several spots that need fixing.

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! 🙏🏼

Here’s a pic of my disastrous first attempt at touch ups 🤦🏻‍♀️ and the second one shows what happened with the new paint. (Colors may look a bit different due to lighting but they’re supposed to be the same).

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Felipe Ozuna

It could be a wrong finish. It really alters the color. Also, if it was sprayed on, painters usually dilute the paint, which could affect the color a bit. Hope you find a solution!

Stacey Jennings

Has the paint faded since 2022? That could be why it’s not matching. How did you prepare the siding before trying again?

Jayden Denys

It looks like the sun has caused the paint to fade, so the new paint is a bit darker. Maybe the paint chip you used for color matching was kept in the shade more often?

Jacqueline Cunningham

Vinyl is not ideal for painting.

Billie Hanson

Comparing two years of sun exposure to newly painted.

Hilda Wells

The best solution is to paint the entire board if it needs touch up. After it weathers a bit, you won’t even notice the difference. You can speed up the process by adding a little mud to the paint – LOL! 😋

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