How can I brighten up my master bedroom without redoing the ceiling or black accent wall?

Asked by Dany Slootweg
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 14, 2024

Hey, thanks a bunch for your suggestions! I actually added a pic to show you what I did today, and it’s already making the room feel brighter. 🥰

So, I took everyone’s advice and ordered some white wallpaper with a faint bamboo pattern for the black wall, and also got some white bedding. Currently on the hunt for a nice bright rug and some other decor to spruce things up 🙂 I’m starting simple and will build from there.

A couple of things I wanted to clarify: the lights on the wall are solid tear-shaped glass, and boy are they heavy! Also, the “crib” in the corner is just a laundry basket – I know it’s not a good look, so I’m searching for a prettier basket to replace it. I’m also in the market for some plants and other decor to bring some life to the room, including new art or a mirror for above the bed.

I really appreciate all the love and support you’ve shown regarding my late spouse. I originally wanted a black stain that would look more gray with visible grains, but it turned out way darker than expected. I just didn’t have it in me to ask the contractor to redo it, but it’s starting to

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Phoebe Bailey

The ceiling would probably look better without the accent wall. How about trying a light colored or white background wallpaper with a fun print?

Reinhard Perez

Since the ceiling is dark, I’d suggest removing the dark accent wall. Opt for something lighter if you still want a bold accent wall. Another option could be a white wallpaper with a black print design.

Rochus Wolters

For one option, you could try a cool whitewash on the wood to lighten it up. Another possibility is to only paint the black wall, or a third option would be to paint a light colored wall, even if it’s just an accent, with a cool wood stick feature or board and batten. A natural plank wall in the bathroom wood color would be a great way to add some character!

Adam Steward
Erling Holtet

I’m loving it. Adding more white accents and white bedding would look amazing.

Bujar Lemaire

Another idea would be to paint all the other walls dark, creating a small dark retreat. This could make the room feel really cozy.

Adam Steward
Bujar Lemaire

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s worth keeping an open mind about it. 🤷‍♀️

Bujar Lemaire

Because there’s more to the room than just flat walls and a ceiling, one solid color could work nicely. You could even keep the light wood trim to make it stand out against a dark color. Dark painted rooms don’t always feel gloomy, especially in a spacious area like the one in the picture. My son’s nursery is a deep forest green, and with the right windows, furniture, and decor, it feels bright yet cozy.

The image is just a reference. The best examples I’ve seen were on different pages/groups I follow.

Naomi Moore

I actually had the same initial thought, especially if you don’t plan on changing the black wall.

Bujar Lemaire

(I’m reposting this comment because the original was in response to , and it seems like she blocked me for expressing my opinion on single color rooms. 🙃 Sorry , I can’t see your comment for the same reason.)

Considering the room has more than just plain walls and ceiling, a single color could work nicely. You could even keep the light wood trim, and it would stand out beautifully against a dark color. Also, dark painted rooms don’t always seem dark, especially in an open space like the one in the picture. My son’s nursery is a deep forest green, and with windows, furniture, and decor, it feels bright yet cozy.

This picture is just for reference. My favorite examples are actually on other pages/groups I follow.

Caroline Tucker

I might consider whitewashing between the beams and/or lightening the accent wall. You could also try searching Google images for a ‘moody bedroom’ for some inspiration on keeping it as is and just tweaking some accents. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Britney Henry

I totally agree with just brightening up the accent wall! You should also search Pinterest for moody bedroom ideas like someone else recommended. There are so many inspirational ideas out there! Adding wallpaper could be a fun touch. Consider getting some majestic palm plants or fig plants for some natural greenery (which I think looks great with black walls). They would enjoy the ambient light in the room – they don’t do well in direct sunlight and will burn (but they love being misted with a spray bottle).

احسان صدر

What about adding some color to the dark wall? An eggplant shade would complement your bedding beautifully! It won’t just look like a dark void. Also, incorporating gold accents and reflective surfaces can help brighten up the space.

Evan Jackson

Maybe consider whitewashing the ceiling, lightening up that accent wall, and living with it for a while?

Kabir Babu

You could try painting the ceiling the same color as the walls for a cohesive look.

Ülkü Dalkıran

To start off, I just want to say I’m really sorry to hear that 😞. Maybe consider adding some charming wallpaper? It’s a good idea to begin with the wall.

Lia Barstad

First of all, I want to express my deepest sympathy for everything you’ve gone through. I can’t even begin to imagine. When it comes to your ceiling, I would suggest painting it white or giving it a whitewash finish. The dark stain appears a bit dreary and uneven. It looks shiny in some areas and dull in others. Additionally, I would recommend changing the accent wall to a lovely, calming medium or dark blue. Your home and the view are absolutely breathtaking. Once again, my condolences for your loss and the difficulties you’ve faced.

Eugene Frazier

I really like it. I think adding a light-colored area under the bed and some accent lighting would enhance the look. Perhaps consider a freestanding lamp or warm track lighting on a beam. In the future, you might want to repaint the black accent wall.

Maya Bouchard

Could it possibly be sanded?

Soila Lima

Is there a reason you haven’t considered painting it a lighter shade instead of using bleach? It seems like you went with a satin or semi-gloss paint. Have you thought about using flat paint instead? It tends to give a better overall finish and hides imperfections well. I also agree on lightening the accent wall a bit. You could even try painting the beams the same color as the accent wall.

Robertus Schoop

I think it would look nice if we painted the ceiling white in between the beams.

Baptiste Perrin

I really like it, but I feel like the walls are too stark.

Danilio Reemers

Windows and doors seem a bit off balance to me… How about painting the ceiling white between the beams? We could also paint the window and door frames black. The accent wall looks good, but maybe we could remove the wall art and add some texture paneling.

Ayşe Abacı

I totally agree! Painting the walls a light color will make it look fabulous. Light beams with dark planks would be a nice contrast. Consider changing the bedding cover to white or black and white. The blue is too soft and maybe switch out the gold throw as well. You could go for a white ceiling with dark beams, but it might be quicker and more cost-effective to do it the other way around. And it could add a unique touch.

Anni Ruona

To brighten up the room, we could add some skylights in the ceiling. Changing the color of the door and window frames to white would be a good idea since the wood doesn’t match.

Elif Özkara

How about using metallic spray paint for the ceiling, like gold? Or maybe even matching it with the large mirror. Let’s keep the beams dark. For the accent wall, consider wooden frames to match the windows along with some metallic art. And don’t forget to spruce up the bedding!

Aldo Valverde

I think removing the black wall would be a good idea.

Eleanor Mccoy

I really like it!! The only change I would consider is painting the currently white walls in a soft off-white shade or adding a lovely wallpaper… something like that. I wouldn’t make any other changes, maybe just add more yellow/gold accents!!

Angelina Šotra

If the stain used was water-based, you should be able to prime and paint over it with acrylic. If an oil-based stain was used, you will need to use oil-based primer and paint.

Any form of blasting will damage the wood, as will any other blasting method. Sanding off the stain is not recommended as it will result in a poor finish due to the difficulty of complete removal.

Your best option is to prime and paint over the existing stain.

Zelaci Araújo

In my opinion, it’s not so much the ceiling as it is the black wall and furniture that are the issue. I suggest painting the dark wall, adding a light rug, and brightening up the furniture. The two sides of the room should complement each other instead of competing.

Jos Van Bladel

I feel like making the accent wall lighter to match the ceiling would be a good idea. Maybe also paint the beams the same white color.

Gabor Uhlemann

If you do the ceiling right, consider painting all the walls white where there is black and white contrast.

Renato Mesa

Consider painting the ceiling beams a lighter shade or removing the paint to reveal the wood. Also, don’t forget about the trim.

Avery Mitchell

You know what, the dog really adds a nice touch. I personally prefer the natural ceiling, would you consider removing the paint? Also, I suggest replacing the wordy pillow with a plain white one. I like the black wall, maybe just change those two things. Some people may advise painting all walls white, but I think it might give the room an unfinished look. Simply stripping the ceiling beams could do the trick.

Justin Macdonald

Change the dark wall to a lighter color, it will brighten up the room

Magnus Petersen

I would suggest painting the walls in a lighter shade of grey.

Sienna Evans

If you really want the woodgrain appearance, you’ll have to strip this down. I know it’s not the news you were hoping for… You could also try painting over it with a lighter hue, but make sure to use a primer first. I empathize with all the hard work you’ve put in, as the trend now is leaning towards a lighter wood grain look.

Patrik Plöger

Let’s begin by painting the wall a lighter shade and then see how it goes.

Josep Herrero

Does this photo of my master bedroom help? I really like the dark tall ceiling, maybe just try matching it with the wall?

Josep Herrero

I might consider painting the trim as well

Heidi Reid

I’m sorry to hear about your husband 🙏🏻 Maybe consider switching to a different headboard (a wooden one in a natural unstained wood color) and changing the bedding to white for some contrast against the dark wall.

Ralph Neal

Maybe consider lightening up the walls and floors a bit?

Severin Rozumovska

Adding uplighting to the ceiling could be a great idea.

Perpétuo Nogueira

I’m really sorry to hear about what you’ve been through. I hope you’re starting to feel better. I also agree with the suggestions to lighten up the accent wall. I remember seeing a post recently where someone put a light-colored rug in a dark kitchen. It was incredible how much that simple change made the room look brighter.

Yasemin Kıraç

Perhaps consider lowering the large cross beams to reveal the natural wood tone.

Molly Walker

How about painting the accent wall white or the same color as the other walls? I think it would really stand out!

Stina Berggren

I really like it, maybe I’d consider painting the wall behind the bed. The dark ceiling is awesome!

سام موسوی

Consider painting that back wall either brown to match the trim or the yellow accent color you already have. Also, think about getting a large light-colored floor rug that combines black, blue, yellow, & brown. You could also try using a duvet cover with a pattern on it.

Louis Laurent

First and foremost, you’re doing fantastic things and keep your head up high!! I’m so proud of you!
I have a couple of suggestions.
I think changing the dark wall to something lighter would be a good idea. Maybe consider a wallpaper that incorporates black

Louis Laurent

You could also consider adding some lighter elements to the black ceiling, such as lighter beams.

Louis Laurent

If you’re looking to incorporate some black accents, painting the window trim black could add a nice touch of color.

Siegrid Donner

Sorry, you’re not a fan of it. I personally enjoy the sleek black look, especially with the natural light from the windows. But I do understand that it can feel too dark in the winter.

Nihal Toraman

I personally think keeping the ceiling is a good idea, but maybe consider brightening up the dark wall with pops of color in other decor like rugs, lamps, or furniture

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