How can I address the structural integrity concerns with extending 2x6s and supporting the edges beyond the truss in my subfloor repair project?

Asked by Leona Hoffman
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 3, 2024

So, I was talking to this contractor about fixing it. He suggested adding two longer 2×6’s to sit on the strongbacks and connect to the subfloor. But then another contractor mentioned cutting more subfloor around the truss. Didn’t really have a clear plan for supporting the edges though. What do you think would be the best way to ensure the structure stays solid?

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Caroline Jacobs

‘t stress over the size of the hole, it’s not a big deal structurally. You can either cut open the floor until you have part of the floor joist exposed, or if there’s enough space underneath, take a 2×6 on each side, use structural screws to secure them under the hole, then cut a piece to fit and screw it to the 2×6. Super simple!

Caroline Jacobs

Just make sure you don’t drive the screws too far into the subfloor, that’s all you need to do.

Caroline Jacobs

Just a quick note: Joists are used for the floor, while trusses are used for the roof. There are engineered floor joists that are sometimes called engineered floor trusses, but in this scenario, you have standard floor joists like 2×10 or 2×12.

Caroline Jacobs

Yeah, I spotted the osb there when I zoomed in.

Caroline Jacobs

I always seem to forget the names of building materials when I actually need them. For some reason, joists and trusses always slip my mind! It’s pretty funny.

Misty Thompson

Yes, but there are many floors designed with parallel chord trusses.

Kristen Robertson

You know, I was thinking you could cut all the way up under the baseboard and then cut a piece of subfloor that size, but since you still have that cut piece, Roy’s suggestion is probably the easiest and best option. That’s the third picture with the green drawings.

Carmelo Rodríquez

Is it permissible by code to use concealed Ferncos in your area?

Caroline Jacobs

I can definitely see the book being mentioned sometimes. In this situation, it’s not really a big deal if the building is high-quality.

Caroline Jacobs

Participant: Well, that’s a bummer. It might be a good idea to try and learn as much as possible to stay on top of things.

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