How can I address a roof leak and prepare for painting after replacing the roofing?

Asked by Victoria Gill
2 months ago
Last Updated: July 27, 2024

We had a roof leak, but we already got our roofing replaced. Now I’m all set to start painting. Any tips on how to fix this? Thanks!

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Juan Carlos Laboy

Scrape off, prime, patch, sand, then prime and paint

Andrés Pastor

How about scraping, filling, sanding, priming, and then repainting?

رضا مرادی

Looks like you need some remediation done. There’s water damage and mold in that wall. Try popping off the window trim and you’ll see for yourself.

رضا مرادی

Decided to contact a restoration company because the task is too complex for someone without professional experience

Amelia Simmons

Hey there! Here’s a friendly tip for you: Pick up a box of sheetrock 5 from Home Depot. Just mix it with water and it’ll dry in 2 minutes. Grab a sea sponge and dab it back and forth. The Gooseneck Guy says cheers!🙂

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