How can I achieve a matte polyurethane finish for my floors without the yellow undertones, while still keeping it light and not white washed?
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 3, 2024
The first picture shows my current floors and the second one is what I’m aiming for.
I’ve been thinking about using a drum sander, edger, and buffer to achieve the look I want.
I’m leaning towards a matte polyurethane finish and want to keep it light. I don’t want it too white or too yellow. Any suggestions or tips on how to achieve that?
There are two types of wood available.
Loves both types of oak, no doubt about it.
If you want that perfect color, a floor finisher can totally make it happen. Think white washed or pickled oak vibes. Achieved by using wood bleach or a pickling stain with a hint of green to cancel out the red tones. A skilled floor finisher will definitely have their own technique down.
Is not a good project for someone inexperienced with DIY projects. Just saying.
The hickory is located on the right side.
You are completely correct in saying .
Are you interested in a matte finish like this?
Sanded and applied the first coat. The picture makes it look shiny because the coat hadn’t dried yet.