Have you utilized any online services to hire a structural engineer for professional opinions on load-bearing beams in a remodel project?

Asked by Sofia Duarte
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 20, 2024

Hi there! I’m currently on the lookout for a structural engineer who can provide some expert advice and recommendations for an upcoming remodeling project. Specifically, I need some insights on load-bearing beams. In our house, we’re hoping to open up a significant section, but it turns out that both walls in that area are load-bearing. They meet at a T-shape where we want to create the opening, and we’re hoping to avoid having a pole or post in the middle.

I’ve figured out that installing a beam in one wall to enlarge the opening is feasible, but I’m a bit stumped on how to handle the situation where the two walls meet at a T-shape and I need a beam to go in both directions. I’m not even sure if that’s possible.

Have you ever used an online service to hire a professional for some expert opinions in the past? I’m not looking for someone to do the job, just someone who can provide us with a few options and recommend specific beams for us to use, or advise us if this project is too complex to pursue.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

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Auguste Brun

A structural engineer is the person to contact. They will come and evaluate the situation, then decide on a plan of action.

Davi Freitas

If there are some simple drawings that display the layout and what is located above the space (such as the roof or second floor), an engineer could begin forming an opinion at his office. If he deems it feasible, a visit to the site would definitely be necessary.

Bently Addy

Depending on the open spans, it is possible that the engineer could inform you. Are there rooms located above the area where the beams would be placed? If it’s an attic space, that would simplify things. If it’s a truss roof, that makes it more complex.

Sindre Rashid

Yes, there are rooms located above. It seems like the common route for most people is to hire a remodeling firm or a contractor who then has the contact for an engineer. But if I prefer not to pay a contractor to act as a middleman, is there an engineering firm that allows individuals to hire specific services like this? There are many online resources, but most end up connecting to an engineer from the states… I don’t think this should be so challenging for me, but I might be missing something in my searches. Or maybe Google just really wants me to hire a contractor as the middleman

Mokrina Kulachkovskiy

I would recommend hiring a design professional to work on your behalf, rather than the contractor. You might discover suitable professionals by visiting the building department and examining similar projects to see who was involved in the designs. If you opt for an architect (which is advisable), they will likely have a list of individuals they have collaborated with in the past.

Elia Arnaud

It’s important to engage an architect to plan out the modifications. They will then have a structural engineer review the plans and provide their endorsement. This was the process I followed when making structural changes to my home. Subsequently, these plans had to be sent to the county for approval if we decided to move forward with the project.

Stina Reiersen

You could reach out to your city planners office and inquire. We received some helpful guidance from their inspector on where to begin. While he couldn’t suggest a specific individual, he did identify who has the authority to approve right away.

Marko Roger

Usually, we enlist the help of an architect to create plans and then have a structural engineer check them if necessary.

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