Have you considered changing your light bulbs to neutral white to improve the tone of your cabinets and trim in unnatural light?

Asked by Kelly Cox
2 months ago
Last Updated: August 1, 2024

Hey, just a heads up – if you’re not loving the way your cabinets and trim look under artificial light, try switching up your light bulbs. I swapped mine to a neutral white and now my cabinets look way better in the evenings, no more weird orange tone. They match up with how they look in natural light during the day now. Just a little tip!

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Pauline Watson

We actually tried that too! What a massive change!

Nicky Lee

Lighting really can have a major impact. Personally, I struggle with LED lights that are brighter than soft white because they bother my eyes.

Peter Black

Yes, exactly! Paint colors can look so different depending on the lighting.

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