Has anyone tinted shower glass red before and can offer advice on how to achieve it?

Asked by Gonzalo Cruz
3 months ago
Last Updated: June 28, 2024

Hey everyone!

I’m thinking about tinting my shower glass red, but I’ve never done it before. Any tips or ideas on how to do it?

Here’s a picture of the shower:

Thanks in advance!

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Umut Nalbantoğlu

If you search on Google, you’ll find various methods. Personally, I recommend using a roller and focusing on making sure the tint is even. It’s important to be thorough when masking everything off…
Check out this video: https://youtu.be/vo7lU6YuAJM?si=XNjKcu2_y40h-t51

Ricardo Gómez

Apply the tint film instead of using any tint that needs to be rolled on.

Tim Faure

Here. The film is on the outside and can be removed if necessary.

Ricardo Gómez

That’s right,

Margot Franck

Your shower will be pretty dark when the glass is tinted and the door is closed

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