gear, can this new invention withstand the harshest conditions?

Asked by Harper Gagné
1 month ago
Last Updated: August 13, 2024

Testing the boundaries of what “waterproof” really means! 😂

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Marisol Olvera

Is this building certified by the Underwriters Laboratory?

Scarlett Romero

I think adding some foam or heavy silicone is necessary.

Blake Gagnon

Sam Bosworth

Ryan Pelletier

That overflow definitely needs a gutter to help. Someone should be up on the roof fixing that problem right away.

Leanne Barnaby

Mentioned there’s no gutter – it was designed like that. Definitely need to keep up with maintenance.

Jenny Matthews

Did you hear about the L&B scupper battle?

Lesa Arnold

It’s interesting to see a clogged gutter right next to the overflow scupper causing the waterfall effect.

Oswaldo Corrales

Wrong hole for the water spout.👍👌

Rosa Simpson

I’m currently enjoying some donuts in Hagerstown, right next to an Italian restaurant.

Rosa Simpson

No content

Todd Moore

Well now that is definitely a problem

Gabriel Tafoya

Should we point fingers at the plumber or the architect for the overflowing drain? The roof needs to slope towards the drain to avoid this issue.

Leanne Barnaby

Wow, look at that overflow scupper doing its job perfectly – causing a mess for someone to notice. The gutter below is blocked, but the emergency overflow is clear to prevent damage from water buildup.

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