Do you believe there was a better course of action to take in this situation, considering their proximity to the lines?

Asked by Logan Gagnon
5 months ago
Last Updated: August 21, 2024

I’m wondering, what do you all think should have been done in this situation? They’re only about a foot or two away from the lines. Just curious to hear your thoughts.

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Caroline Romero

What are they currently working on?

Joy Soto

That’s correct.

Xavier Bahena

Operating a boom lift outside the perimeter fence.

Tom Nelson

Low voltage cables!

Hailey Bergeron

Those circuits seem to be insulated LV lighting circuits and they are quite far from the primary.

Mia Margaret

Et in touch with the local utility and ask them to secure it with a rubber line sleeve.

Tracey Rodriquez

You’re not even sure if the lines are live.

Cathy Hunter

As long as he’s working with insulated secondary lines, he’ll be fine.

Brooklyn Payne

If you ever ask, we always make sure to cover it. Most utilities do the same. The main concern is usually the primary voltage rather than the secondary voltages.

Brianna Wheeler

Darwin will find a solution.

Jesús Véliz

I believe informants deserve consequences.

Cecilia Uribe

I can’t seem to find a harness on that guy!

Barb Stewart

Those aren’t high voltage lines anyway. How can you be sure they’re not de-energized?

Leah Pearson

I was going to mention that he’s okay, but everyone else already covered it so I’ll refrain.

Enrique Barrett

They should’ve brought in a professional electrician who would never use a scissor lift. Maybe an articulating lift, but not a scissor lift.

Elijah West

Why do you think that?

Charles Pearson

Oh man… the comments here crack me up! 😂

Rhonda Nelson

When you work in industrial settings, using a scissor lift is common practice. Many of my vendors have their own and can charge for its use. We even have one in-house.

Hanna Pena

Honestly, it appears to be an old 240 setup from a while back where they used to run three separate conductors off a pole like that. There are still a few of these in my area, especially for private sets of lights on poles.

Miguel Price

I believe he’s setting up a floodlight for Tinnes Court.

Holly Ferguson

Ot in touch with an electrician

Gael Luna

Place some wires over there

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