Did the previous electrician mess up your lights while changing the switches from ivory to white?

Asked by Elijah Hale
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 21, 2024

So, get this – a customer calls me up and says he needs my help fixing some lights that just aren’t cooperating. And get this, he actually already paid someone to switch out all the switches from ivory to white. Can you believe that? *facepalm*

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Peter Montgomery

That should get the job done.

Kathy Hudson

How about some cheese and crackers to go with that whine? Haha

Charlie Reed

Reat job!

Olivia Pearson


Olivia Pearson

Becky Tom Nope

Nelly Lemus

No wonder it’s not working! You need to wrap the red wire around the ground screw in a clockwise direction!

Randall Harris

Found something amusing

Alexis Miller

I don’t believe that would prevent it from functioning properly

Alexis Miller

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Alexis Miller

Was surprised to see the red ground wire placed on the floor instead of being left floating in the air like usual

Fabiola Palomo

Haha, I’ve witnessed that a couple of times!

Héctor Gamez

Wow, this ground terminal is awesome!😁😁

Nelly Lemus

He ought to ask for his money back. That’s not white, it’s almond.

Barry Spencer

Was this one left unchanged by any chance?!?!?

Marilyn Ramos

Job stability

Cristina Acosta

The color red is the best 😂

Olivier Andersen

Any screw will work, just pick one.

William Reed


Marisela Vásquez


Isaac Watson

It seems like a three-way switch instead of a single one.

Andrea Freeman

Luckily, he didn’t have to call the fire department

Dave Clark

Just a bunch of old gals on this site, right?

Logan Gagnon

Did you hear that red is the new green?

Ángel Zúñiga

220, 221. I’ll do whatever it takes. Red is the new green.

Alexis Miller

How is it new when it was 45 years ago? ood luck with red today. I don’t think they used a 2023 code book. Does anyone know why they didn’t use that code book?

Sophia Mitchelle

That individual wasn’t an electrician.

Patsy Flores

Encountered that situation a couple of times

Alexis Miller

I’ve come across a ton of those in white, black, and red.

Alexis Miller

That’s the universal rule: red equals ground.

Alexis Miller

An AC cable can serve as a proper grounding source.

Alexis Miller

That period from 1976 to 1980 was pretty big, well, close enough.

Alexis Miller

To tighten the ground, turn the screw clockwise; to loosen it, turn it counterclockwise.

Theodore Gardner

Well, you know, we can’t really fix stupid, but we gotta figure out how to fix the results of stupid actions, am I right?

Alexis Miller

Et your glove and get in the game, it’s been 45 years. Let’s go, ladies!

Ana Luisa Rendón

Is that really a new switch? Maybe it’s new to them, but it looks like it was taken from another house and sold to someone else.

Israel Aguirre

I have no doubt that they received exactly what they paid for!

Avery Pelletier

Oh, so this was after he attempted to handle it on his own

Alexis Miller

I’m not so sure about job security when you see the code from work that was done 45 years ago. Dang, guys really need to grow up.

Alexis Miller

I bet most of you haven’t had experience with ac cable before

Dan Hamilton

He combined the 3 methods together

Lola White

Love the 3-way switch! 😂🤦

Alexis Miller

I thought this website would be educational for everyone to learn from each other. Everyone should know today’s code, but applying it to work from decades ago? Come on, man up. I’m not impressed that anyone here knows today’s code. That’s what you get paid to know. When you see old stuff, be impressed that it’s still working. Seriously

Marsha Perkins

I’ve come across this situation a few times now. A customer was convinced that they had the right switch, but I pointed out that if it was actually correct, they wouldn’t need my help! People seem to think that just because a switch has three screws, it must be the right one. One person even called me saying that the box was making a buzzing sound like bees, and sure enough, it was.

Alexis Miller

Hey there ladies, sleep well!

Marie Wells

Simply wrapped the red wire with green tape 😂😂😂

Vicky Weaver


Justin Brar

OM! I’m speechless with how dumb this is.

Clifford Bryant

I’m shocked that in the 21st century, the USA still uses such crappy switches and outlets.

Logan Day

Oh my goodness💩💩💩💩

Alonso Almonte

Oops….my bad

Angela Hanson


Nathan White

Personally, I would just attach a green ground wire, it doesn’t take that much longer. However, I thought the discussion was about the switch not working, not the color of the ground wire.

Leo Jones

It’s possible that the person who did it checked out a similar method and got the idea from there! 😄😄😄

Julio Woods

Well no wonder it’s not functioning, a skilled electrician would place the ground on the bottom left side 😆

Lillian Clark

The previous electrician happened to be color blind, just a heads up.

Kenzi Pearson

No content

Rebeca Mota

Should this man be compensated for his actions?

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