Did God help you feel stronger today despite some shakiness as you adjust to a new environment, with guidance leading the way?

Asked by Branka Kićanović
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 3, 2024

I feel so blessed today! It took me a bit longer than usual, about 40 minutes, and I can see a few mistakes as I get used to using a ladder. First time outside the classroom. The TV turned on, so I’m in a good mood! (I had really good guidance, by the way!) Take care, everyone! #GreaterIsHeInMe

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Charlie Zhang

Head back to class.. 😂🤣😂

Shahin Vincent


Rahel Noel

Well done, my friend!

Hilla Peltonen

Thank you for being a blessing in my life. I am forever thankful to you, Sir. I am so thrilled right now because I can now pay my bills and support my family easily. You have brought joy to my home with an investment I made a few days ago with 👉 Mr. Levi T. Wilkerson

Guillermo Parra

: Please avoid click bait 🤡

Rahel Thomsen

Why not install it in the wall instead of mounting it on the surface?

Leonard Poulsen

Rudy onzalez’s trolling post.

Murat Bolatlı

Rudy onzalez, but honestly, that’s a piece of cake.

Catherine Rousseau

Rudy onzalez is like a sturdy wall with drywall stuck to concrete – a common sight. Fishing for information from him isn’t easy. 😉

Sølve Gjerde

Hey, might need a 4-hour fire wall as well.

Ramses Vergara

Can the moderators please remove this trash?

Elena Pastor

This is just terrible

Allie Smith

Using wire mold would have been a better choice

Jacobo Santillán

Ab onzalez thinks wire mold looks cheap. It’s the ugliest thing on the market. Change the color, for Christ’s sake. LOL

Samir Leroux

Ab onzalez believes that placing it inside the wall would have been a better option.

Tilde Hansen

Do you have a one hole strap within 12 inches?

آرش علیزاده

Noticed that she used a two-hole strap, which is positioned 24 inches away.

Jacobo Santillán

Finds that it all averages out in the end. 😂😂

Kadir Okumuş

There should be a strap within 12 inches of the connector on that MC cable. The Inspector says it’s a fail

Catherine Rousseau

‘s choice of ceiling tile provides the necessary support. 😀

Guillermo Parra

No content

Yasin Gjerdrum

This work is absolutely beautiful

Dijana Renard

I actually work for the schools in Virginia and people do this kind of stuff all the time haha

Isabelle Chen

Sometimes in older schools, they prefer surface-mounted installations due to asbestos in the walls and the high cost of asbestos remediation.

It’s best to avoid making any marks on the walls to avoid disturbing the asbestos.

I occasionally work on school board projects, and in older buildings, they often request running wires through crawl spaces or in conduit.

This would not meet code requirements, and anyone paying for training in this area is being scammed.

Dijana Renard

In my county, , they have their own government so they pretty much make their own rules as long as it’s safe.

Paul-Gerhard Nolte

You could create a hole above the drop ceiling to run the wire to the inset box for a neat and tidy look.

Paul-Gerhard Nolte

I really value my skills in wire fishing/running. I see it as a major strength of mine as an electrician

Jacobo Santillán

Concurred, mentioning the importance of using only one coupling for every 10ft of pipe. It allows for bending conduit to achieve a perfect fit.

Dana Vasquez

Hey, do you think you could have crouched a bit lower behind the TV? And secure the MC.

Özkan Menemencioğlu

Maybe you could have, but it’s not as terrible as your spelling!

Dana Vasquez

It’s the AI’s fault 🤖

Dana Vasquez

This seems like the work of an apprentice. They forgot to secure the MC wire.

Tim Durand

It’s time to head back to the classroom

Nayana Dawangave

That is an incredible sight

Kirilo Stepanović

Who is teaching these people? That’s not going to work.

Melinda Holst


Edgar Watts

Why didn’t we go through the stud bay and mount it on the surface instead? …

Melaniya Nazimko

Are you feeling alright?

Isabelle Chen

Why didn’t they show you how to fish that wire? If you’re shelling out money, make sure to demand a refund because their teaching methods are not up to par. This wouldn’t pass inspection in most places.

Balhaar Sheikh

She’s definitely learning, she mentioned adjusting to working on a ladder and it’s her first time outside the classroom. I’m sure none of you were perfect right from the start either. We all have to begin somewhere.

, you should be proud of yourself for completing the task and putting yourself out there. Choosing a career in Electrical is a great decision and you’ll learn a lot! Here are a few tips for next time.

First, there is a code violation. You need to support the MC within 12 inches of the box.

Secondly, I would have used tin snips to notch out the ceiling grid the width of the MC (right against the wall where you passed through) for the MC to pass through instead of making a hole in the ceiling tile. If someone wants to move that ceiling tile now, they can’t, and it looks neater.

On that note, I probably wouldn’t have used MC below the ceiling. I would have used EMT to run from above the ceiling tile to the receptacle. You could install a junction box above the ceiling tile to switch from MC to EMT or use a changeover fitting when doing that, still making sure to notch out the ceiling grid for the pipe to pass through.

Since I wasn’t there, surface mounting everything isn’t a concern for me, although I would have mounted the box lower so that it’s behind the TV in a position where you can still access the receptacles if you reach behind it. (As long as there is space behind the TV, this may not work in this case as it’s a surface mount installation)

My goal is not to be overly critical, but to provide some context instead of making a rude comment without any constructive feedback. I hope this is helpful, and if you have any questions or need anything in the future, feel free to reach out to me.

Best of luck with everything in the future!

رها صدر

Another tip I suggest is to always check with a level after, unless you’re aiming for crookedness

Begüm Akal

Nailed it.

Ted Morgan

The troll trophy award has been presented.

Birger Breu

You have a drop ceiling? You could have added a dropped wall above it. The end result looks unattractive, and I apologize.

Landon Gutierrez

Part store part contemporary art

Hanad Goedbloed

Using a cut-in box and running the wire down the wall would look much nicer with flush receptacles. It’s not actually much harder to do.

Annelore Naujoks

Ya, no, definitely not level. That’s a fail, total fail.

Calisto Freitas

Where’s the journeyman who was supposed to give her instructions?

Curtis Verwer

What the heck…

Johnny Warren

Haha only 40 minutes

Germaine Talens

I have a feeling he’s messing with you. He’s really screwing you over, buddy.

Sofia Larson

Aren’t conduit required for exposed installations?

Cohen Lee

Allowed Uses:
“330.10 (A)(4)Exposed or concealed.”
No need for conduit unless at risk of physical damage.

Dominic Reitan

There are countless professional paths out there. It’s truly impressive

Ritthy Bell

Reat work. Just watch out for the many clowns around here…

Victoria Steward

Stick to sandwiches.

Vítor Castro

Recessed in the wall would look nicer.

Rita Wilson

Well done!

Rita Wilson

Some people really love to criticize others who are proud of their work. If you want, I can get you a doll so you can point out where the mean person touched you when you were younger. But honestly, it’s pretty sad that some people have nothing better to do than criticize others. It’s not a great way to live, in my opinion.

Sofus Wessel

Dude, you’re letting a troll get to you.

Sean Ellis

A cable tie would be great.

Krilach Muzichko

This appears to be in poor condition.

Jeppe Jensen


Jakob Webb

Hey guys, I really think this is legit and she genuinely believes she did a great job 😆

Begüm Akal

Honestly, besides the clamp that could be hidden above the ceiling, I don’t see any code violations. How it looks is just a matter of personal preference. I personally like emt better, but a whip works too.

آنیتا محمدخان

You’re making excellent progress! First try looks good. Keep learning and stay careful

Nelly Téllez

What on earth?!

Radmila Gorpinich

Way to go!

Juan Castillo

A new generation is on the way. What’s the code for that? 🙁

The new generation is approaching. What code are we talking about here? 🙁

Daniel Walker

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