Can you imagine walking in and seeing this 🙄 #electronic? How would you react?

Asked by Alexander Larsen
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 21, 2024

Can you imagine walking in and seeing this 🙄 #electronic? How would you react?

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Vidálio Viana

I’d just walk away

Nikolaj Hansen

Nope, nada

Nikolaj Hansen

Nothing here

Koray Özbey

I’ve encountered that situation before.

Kübra Ozansoy

I struggle with those even when they are organized!

Pablo Guevara

I would appreciate it if I had other tasks to focus on instead of that chaos.

Gabriel Renard

Etting paid hourly to turn this into a career 🥴

Sander Nielsen

I’ll just stick to my assigned tasks, no issues at all

Nadie Vleugels

Triple the estimate.

Ray Howard

The Bix panel looks pretty grim.

Adália da Conceição


Sushma Kulkarni


Juliette Liu

I saw so many of these over time!

Grace Roberts

It’s just like turning and heading in the other direction!

Óliver Tejeda

Not much to see

Oona Jutila

I was under the impression that my child’s college expenses are taken care of.

Pilar Urbina

That’s why linemen are there – to cut through. Sorry, you’ve reached Alaska.

Frøya Tveite

I would just snap a picture and share it on Facebook if I can’t be there to fix it.

Raquel Borsboom

No worries, Wi-Fi is working well! 🙂

Esli Mensink

It’s just normal, you know?

Gonzalo Garica

Real datacenters are a different story.

Blake Moore

It’s not my issue because I’m not there, but feel free to take your time and ensure this is a cost plus job!

Tilmann Weidemann

Once I solve it, I’ll be rolling in dough and that’s all that matters

Arisberto Cavalcanti

Is doing okay as a part-timer

Rostichara Riznik

I’ve had similar experiences working in a few jobs like this … 😣

Blake Moore

If I were you, I’d contact a reliable low-voltage technician!

Evie Walker

Feeling repulsed

Sivar Hulsebos

I was just thinking about getting paid hourly!

Caitlin Thompson

Hey, I’m finally back home!

Nolan Sutton

I’m in the business of selling scrap copper.

Roberto Faure

Money talks!

Arnav Namnaik

It’s not my responsibility. The problem belongs to the tech guys.

Fébe Vianen

Resembles a cat that hasn’t been groomed.

Lauren Fitzsimmons

I’d just walk out, close the door, and move on to the next task without a care

Roope Huhta

Distinguishes between the experienced and the inexperienced.

Valdemar Thomsen

Just trim it down… It’s too hairy and doesn’t evoke any emotions 🤣

Beau Moore

When I first started working for a networking company, my first assignment looked just like this.

Anna-Luise Rempel


Mercedes Peña

If I don’t have to deal with it, then it’s not my concern. But if I do, my hourly rate just increased by 50%.

Pablo Rubio

Lucky that we had settled on a time and materials cost

Luz Ibáñez

Seems like quick cash!

Ülkü Özdenak


Amador Caraballo

You know, there’s only eight hours in a workday, so we just have to take it one step at a time.

Joachim Leroux

Oh my goodness

Moon Hazelhoff

Seems like a deserted clinic filled with numerous data cables

Scarlett Thomas

I’d consider pursuing a different career 😥

Stella Harris

No content

Ceyhan Numanoğlu

Hey, have you seen my toner?

Akash Mendonsa

That sounds like it would be challenging

Noelle Tipparti

Feeling instant anxiety. I really hope I don’t have to deal with it. Unless I can start over from scratch!

Ryan Wilson

Are you interested in learning about becoming an electrician?

Jesús Reyes

Kapag magaling ka sa pagiging electrician, kahit gaano karaming kawad ng alambre pa ‘yan, madali lang ‘yan.

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