Could you please advise on how to repaint these doors the same color after repairing them?

Asked by Ramberto Barros
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 16, 2024

Hey there! I’m pretty good with repairs, but I’m not sure about repainting these doors the exact same color. Any tips on how to do it? Thanks in advance!

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Francesca Rodriguez

It’s impossible to match the color since those doors are not painted. They are cheap hollow doors, so I suggest getting a new one. They cost around $70.

Steven Soto

Those are birch flush panel doors with a clear coat, not painted.

Oya Akaydın

Consider getting a Luan slab door instead. It might be more expensive than fixing the old one, but it’ll save you a lot of hassle. You just have to match up your current hardware with the new door, cut out the hinges and door knob. Also, adjust as needed to make it fit. Use the old door as a guide.

Colin Myers

Did you know you can find those exact doors at Habitat for Humanity for only $17?

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