Can you provide an additional example of a residential wiring plan?

Asked by Rose Li
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 1, 2024

Check out this other residential wiring plan as an example.

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Emilie Ma

Okay, besides the fact that it resembles a liberal rainbow, it’s actually a very simple diagram.

Kay Coleman

Seems more like a finished product to me

Emilie Ma

Haha, yeah I call it that too! I’m the Forman for the commercial electrical company where I work.

Kelly Jacobs

🍝 At least it’s color coordinated. Lop

Javier Lugo

You know, I haven’t heard someone use the term “lack of potential” since Oklahoma City in 2014, when we were talking about a mutual friend, .

Erik Jones

Why are there multiple circuits for the outlets in the rooms?

Clarence Porter

Is a businessman dabbling in residential projects

Erica Beck

Having multiple circuits in a room is really smart. It ensures that if one circuit goes out, you’ll still have some light.

Alberto Dunn

Why wouldn’t you, ?

Liam Harris

Do you have any plugs?

Maya Brar

I agree with , having the lights and outlets on separate circuits is a good idea. There’s no need for two circuits for outlets in one room.

Calvin Fuller

That’s exactly how I approached my last residential wiring project – .

Etienne Barnaby

What’s the deal with only having one circuit for each bedroom, ?

Angela Reid

I’ve seen it too and it cracked me up 😂

Maya Brar

Eorge Rogato it would definitely be the wiser choice and save a lot of wiring

Pamela de Jesús

It really varies. I’ve worked on many custom smart homes and some people like having separate circuits for their gaming setup, office equipment, printers, and so on. Some people have the budget for it, even if it’s not necessary. They just want everything dedicated for no particular reason.

Erik Jones

Just curious if that’s what they intended. I would have put each room on its own circuit, but everyone has their own preferences.

Sean Kelly

Most houses tend to be like that….

Nancy Salgado

Shhhhh, we actually enjoy selling them more 😉

Wendy Ramírez

Thank you! I’ve been curious about how these diagrams looked.

Ellen Adams

I’m done with taking screenshots of it 🤣

Elizabeth Lo

I live here and here’s a picture of an upstairs plan we had to sketch by hand. It’s simpler with fewer circuits. I don’t have a picture of the bottom half. There are a few things I would change on their blueprint, but it’s not too different from this one.

Maya Novak

I guess I’ll share mine tomorrow 😂

Alice Chu

Way improved

Shane Vargas

That one seems very authentic, this guy’s is ridiculous

Emiliano de la Fuente

Doesn’t a bedroom have to have a closet to be considered a bedroom, ? Or am I missing something haha

Elizabeth Lo

This design was really bad for a couple of airbnbs, the drilling was a total nightmare.

Elizabeth Lo

Especially the loft area that looks over the living room, haha

Elizabeth Lo

I’m not entirely sure about the classification of that, but if there’s a closet, you need a smoke detector because it could potentially be turned into living space or something like that.

Noémie Gagné

Wait… did you all receive drawings?

Gladys Lopez

Also seems to have gotten some crayons.

Nicolas Bélanger

Oh look, crayons!

Isabelle Howard

It’s so simple even a caveman could manage it.

Annabelle Anderson

Reat job! I also plan out my new construction projects in advance

Janice Pierce

That’s not acceptable

Louis Castro

That idea might work if it’s not engineered. The majority of our projects need individual circuits for each room.

Maxine Herrera

: I was just about to mention that! It doesn’t make sense to have outlets on different circuits in the same bedroom.

Louis Castro

In the mid 90s, I worked with a guy who did something like that. He ran 14 to the lighting circuits and 12 to the outlets, catching all plugs on the same wall. But then I discovered you could put lights and outlets on the same circuit, and I was like, no more of that separated nonsense for me!

Melinda Kuhn

This is the cake I completed today lol

Dustin Montgomery

Simply connect it with a wire!

Jeremy Lavoie

No content

Mayte Barela

Seriously, how many times are you all going to share this same thing

Philippe Lam

Thank you. Here’s a photo of a tile.

Freddie Boyd
Lea Mackay

Why does it matter?

Etienne Denys

And? What’s your point?

Sandra Barnes

If you need a wiring plan for a house, just let me know.

Ramona Hughes

Chuckles like an architect

Amanda Watts

Residential drawings? That’s new.

Shane Vargas

That sounds absurd.

Georgia Vasquez

You know, you can use just about anything as a ruler.

Wyatt Watkins

Thinking he’s a big shot.

Blake Stanley

Haha, a residential wiring plan, right?

Aiden Fernandez

This really makes it easier to track problems during hotcheck or a service call. I made sure to do that on all of my jobsites. It also helps to confirm circuits aren’t overloaded during the rough QC.

Mathew Owens

Ever wonder how women do their grocery shopping?

Ethan Smith

It’s quite useful, actually. Make sure to sketch out the circuits and mark them once they’re connected – especially if there are multiple people working on the project. Keeping a record on file really comes in handy when you need to troubleshoot for warranty purposes. This saves a lot of time. We used to do this mainly for homes that were 10,000 sq ft and larger. It was definitely valuable, especially at that time.

Xavier Almonte

Wow, that’s a pretty clean print, especially considering all the last-minute changes.

Brayden Weaver

Why do you need plans for wiring houses?

Susanna Jackson

Start with the basics, then add some extra flair.

Tomothy Mckinney

That’s the way to connect for a beginner 😂

Nathan Nguyen

No issue with that

Ethan Knight


Dan Crawford

Do you all have any plans?

Ramona Hughes

Seems pretty simple.

Sandra Mayorga

Why do you guys have to make it seem so complicated?

Cory Young

Here’s a little reminder on how to wire a 3 way switch, complete with a colorful drawing by my 7 year old! 😂😂

Wait until you see industrial drawings lol.

Noelia Galván

Yeah, but seriously, how many symbols do you actually need for a diplex?

Erica Beck

Back in the 80s, I wired a three-story house for a client who wanted vertical receptacles. Can you believe that? But hey, he’s the one paying, so I did it his way except for a couple of rooms.

Ramona Hughes

I’d be really impressed if you could explain the purpose of this.

Cecilia Lira

It’s like more of a vibe than a strategy

Tammy Gutierrez

We used to follow NEC guidelines with the blueprints only serving as a general reference. Unless it was a large-scale hotel or condominium, we would base it on something in this picture.

Octavio Rojo

You need to improve your skills

Aubree Willis

My friends, Ryan and Sudge, are color blind.

Dylan Pena

Looks similar to the blueprints I used for mobile homes, which had all the circuits laid out – pretty neat!

Felipe Peralta

This reminds me of the old-school wiring in my hometown, each room having its own circuit. Pretty funny, right?

Jose Hill

Sorry if that seems complicated…

Olivia Luna

I don’t think so.

Georgia Larson

No content

Aria Røyland

This isn’t the smartest way to do it, but it’s budget-friendly

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