Can we repair poorly remodeled tile kitchen flooring without creating a noticeable transition to the wood flooring in the rest of the house?
7 months ago
Last Updated: August 10, 2024
Our house had a bad remodel job before we got here. The kitchen was done with tile and grout right on the subfloor, so now a bunch of the tiles are breaking and moving around. We need to fix it, but is there a way to do that without creating a big step where the kitchen meets the wood flooring in the rest of the house? Are there other options besides using concrete board?
Yes, definitely. However, the issue might be larger than you realize. Is your floor system strong enough to support ceramic/porcelain (L360) or natural stone (L720)?
I think so but we won’t know for sure until we start removing the tile to assess the situation.
It depends on the type, size, and span of the joist. If you pass that criteria, consider using Ditra or Ditra XL as underlayment.
Thank you, !
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So, does this mean that ceramic tile shouldn’t be placed directly on a concrete subfloor?