Can the electrical wiring in these spaces be safely converted to accommodate hanging light fixtures?

Asked by Christian Pedersen
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 16, 2024

Do you think it’s possible to convert the electrical wiring so we can install hanging light fixtures in these areas?

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Jackson Parker

Easy peasy. Splices should be contained within a box. The box needs to be easily reachable. Make sure to use wire nuts and wires of the same size.

Féline Van Kouwen

I really appreciate this!! Thank you so much

Meghashree Manjunath

Yes, the most cost-effective option could be to get flat panels that are the right size for that box.

Féline Van Kouwen

Thanks a lot

Jack Pelletier

Of course, but may I ask why? A pendant light won’t provide the same brightness. It will create more focused light and shadows on your counters. Since you have access, consider installing some recessed canless LED lights.

Féline Van Kouwen

Awesome, thanks

Hudson Wong

Yep, use trim to outline the opening. Then paint and attach your fixture.

Sienna Evans

Yes, it’s a secret!

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