Can laminate floors be refinished to a brown walnut color without the orange highlights before we move into our new place?

Asked by Rishaan Taj
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Hey DIYers! Just bought our first place and trying to save some cash – not loving the two-toned laminate floors. Is it possible to refinish laminate to a brown/walnut color without those orangey bits? I’ve seen conflicting info online… Any advice would be awesome!

Update: Not our furniture, just the current owner’s setup! Wondering if we can do something about the floors before we move in. We’ll definitely be updating the lights, bringing in our own rug/couch, and mounting the TV over the fireplace. Thanks for all the help!

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Michal Flaaten

Lovely flooring. All it needs is a nice rug.

Jasper Lende

If it’s truly “laminate,” then no can do. It only has a thin layer of finished surface that sanding would ruin.

Matias Pakkala

You can sand and refinish wood or engineered wood surfaces, but it’s best to avoid using products designed for laminate countertops on floors.

Viivi Tervo

Nah, it’s essentially like a colored sticker. Can’t do much about that.

Konon Makar

Grab yourself a rug

Önal Çatalbaş

I wouldn’t recommend trying to sand it. The laminate is a really thin layer of wood (if it’s even real wood). One small mistake and you could sand right through it. If the floor has any texture or unevenness, you’ll most likely end up ruining it while trying to remove the old finish evenly. Then you’ll end up disliking it even more. I’d say go for a large rug as suggested earlier until you can save enough to replace the floor. Replacing it yourself might be easier than the sanding project.

Dominik Shestopal

I had a feeling that would happen, . Smart move!

Evan Reid

Great decision, Jaylene! It’s essentially cardboard mixed with cheap glue, dyed, and shaped into pieces that sometimes come together once a photo image is added. When sanded, it turns into cardboard dust…

Augustin Fournier

We used that in our first house. It looked nice, but unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Just get a rug to protect the floor and be prepared for some marks.

Krsto Jeremić

No, thanks.

Greg Coleman

I really like it! You should definitely consider getting a rug.

Zoraide Melo

I’m not too bothered by the floors, but adding a large area rug and a paint job could make a big difference. The current color looks a bit pinkish. If possible, consider changing the light fixture to something that matches the style better.

Owen Garza

Hardwood floors are durable and can be refinished multiple times. On the other hand, engineered hardwood can only be refinished once, while laminate cannot be refinished at all. Essentially, laminate is like a fancy sticker on vinyl. As for the installation pattern of your floor planks, it seems like the installer didn’t do you any favors. If the pattern was more random, the color differences wouldn’t be as noticeable. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it now. Adding a rug or two might help. Give yourself some time to get used to the new look since it’s a change for you.

مهرسا موسوی

Maybe consider trying an old English scratch cover in the darkest shade

Emy Louis

I think adding a rug is a good idea. Also, you might want to think about painting the walls a different color. They don’t have to be dark, but since the walls are so light, it draws attention to the floors. Adding a rug would help break it up. If you don’t want one large rug, you could consider using a few smaller ones. Personally, I would opt for one large rug.

Vebjørn Folkvord

I think changing the light fixture would be a good idea too

Gabe Gomez

No, carpet

Niklas Niskanen

One advantage of laminate flooring is how easy it is to replace. It’s a quicker alternative to refinishing hardwood floors. Consider changing the color and make sure to keep extra boxes of the new laminate for any future repairs.

Veronica Simpson

If you don’t want to remove the laminate flooring, a big area rug is your best bet.

Kuzey Özdenak

You might not be able to refinish laminate flooring, but you can try adding a large rug to change the look or opt for affordable laminate / vinyl flooring. Installing it is a breeze, and you can find good deals for $1-2 per square foot.

Corentin Boyer

Aw, it’s a shame you’re not a fan. Personally, I love the look.

Dominik Shestopal

I might start liking it more once we have our stuff in. The furniture/set up they have now isn’t really working for the room.

Kalpit Pujari

It’s possible, but keep in mind that it might end up being more expensive than simply getting a replacement.

Kaya Evliyaoğlu


Gabriel Park

The floor looks great, it seems like the freshest part of the room. However, it does clash a bit with your sofa. Easy fix – get a rug!

Invest in an area rug, a new ceiling light, paint an accent wall or the whole room, lower the TV a few inches (you’re not in a tavern!), and run those wires inside the wall to the TV.

Your room has beautiful windows and a lovely layout. Just needs some softening up!

Welcome home!

Dominik Shestopal

I appreciate these great suggestions! It’s interesting that the current owner has it set up this way. I had many of the same ideas – not sure why they chose this arrangement, but I can see the potential.

Gabriel Park

My guess is, when selling a house, it’s best to paint everything a neutral color and keep all rooms the same color to make the entire house feel bigger. The updated floors also give it a fresh look. Changing the floors now would be a major undertaking. Stick with the floors since they are in great shape and pay attention to small details to make the place feel like home. Enjoy the process!

Jackson Parker

Change it to LVP.

Kalpit Gugale

Chose a single tile linoleum for the floor

Harper Jean-Baptiste

You could try using rugs to protect the floor or consider replacing it if you want something long-lasting. Other solutions won’t work well on laminate.

Alfonso Roybal

I’d keep the floor as is, your windows are stunning. Consider changing the furniture and how it’s set up. Lighting definitely needs an update, and a fresh coat of paint would make a big difference. ‘t forget about simple window treatments.

Eliza Harvey

I mean, your flooring isn’t terrible. But if you really don’t like it, you could always place some area rugs down for the time being until you’re able to replace it.

Anésia Castro

You know what? I kind of enjoy the floors. 🤷‍♀️

Kalpit Gugale

Hmm, not really…

Gönül Voit

Laminate cannot be modified. It has a paper finish that nothing can stick to well enough to withstand foot traffic. Replace it or embrace it as it is.
On a side note, I installed that same flooring in a house I renovated, and I loved it. I received many compliments on its appearance. I believe it looks great.

Iver Nordahl

Laminate consists of a photograph of wood adhered to the substrate. Your only option is to replace it or use area rugs.

Sarah Roberts

I’m willing to bet that the previous owner put in the new flooring to help sell the house, and that there’s likely a refinishable floor beneath your laminate. The current floor is probably interlocking and not directly attached to what’s underneath. If you’re thinking about refinishing the floors, try to get a glimpse of what’s hiding beneath the current mistake. Chances are, the flooring in the other rooms matches what’s in the living room.

هستی محمدخان

I hear ya, I’m not a fan of it either. Consider getting a larger area rug or just swapping it out altogether. Personally, I’d go with the latter.

Mandy Ray

Find an area rug and some slipcovers for the furniture. It might require some time and money, but it will be worth it in the end. Check out thrift stores and secondhand shops for some tables that you can always spruce up with a fresh coat of paint. Just be patient – these things take time.

Anna Kristensen

One possibility is to paint the cabinets and apply several layers of high-traffic clear coat to them. There are several affordable methods to achieve this.

Fatma Bayındır

Consider getting a sofa and chair cover that complements your furniture. Followed by painting the walls as suggested by someone else. Adding an area rug will enhance the space and soften the flooring, which is already beautiful.

Bobby Washington

A cost-effective option would be to install a dimmer switch for the light.

Floyd Russell

If you don’t want to remove them, your best options would be to paint or cover them with a rug.

Nemanja Srejović

The floor really stands out in that room…the red couch and yellow table don’t complement it well. I’m sure there are areas that need improvement.

Kerim Köybaşı

I wouldn’t be a fan of pairing that floor with LED lighting either. It really needs a warm white light.

Maria Abdulle

I’m not sure, but I find the shades on that flooring quite appealing.

Vilma Rintala

I really admire the colors and design of this flooring! I think it’s beautiful. However, it might be a bit too dark and orange to go with that sofa without a rug. Personally, I would opt for a large rug to brighten up the room and create some contrast with the dark sofa. I also prefer warm lighting over “daylight or cold” tones.

مریم سالاری

I just noticed the poster asking, ‘Do you all like my floor?’ Haha, there are always so many unhelpful comments.

Akseli Lampinen

Maybe she can’t correct the color, so why not try reducing the exposure? Just a suggestion!

Akseli Lampinen

How about adding an area rug?

Juliette Ouellet

Is here to say the exact same thing!

Akseli Lampinen

I would also suggest moving the end table to the other side of that couch so you can connect the two sofas with the table. It’ll create a cozier feel.

Miguel González

I’m hanging out with everyone else, and honestly, the floor is the least of the room’s problems. If it were up to me, I’d: – swap out the light for something that suits the house’s style better, or maybe even a small fan – see if we can move the TV above the fireplace without it overheating – rearrange the furniture for a more practical layout (position the two sofas on either side of the fireplace, facing each other with the coffee table in between) – grab some neutral slipcovers that complement the floor color (cream, khaki, or green) – paint the coffee table black or dark walnut. If you’re still not a fan of the floor, go for a rug!

Anne Lacroix

Having a tight budget and suggesting unnecessary spending just don’t mix well in a sentence, right? 🤣 Maybe consider adding a light-colored rug to offset the dark colors. And if the budget allows, a DIY rolled vinyl flooring could be a budget-friendly option.

Tanya Gregory

The floors consist of laminate, essentially a plastic layer with a printed photo on top to mimic the look of wood.
If you’re looking to alter the appearance of the floors, replacement may be the only viable solution.
On a tight budget, adding a throw rug and setting aside funds for new floors could be a good option.

Leo Martin

You should try putting up curtains to alter the lighting before spending your money. Changing the lighting can make a big difference

Tanya Gregory

Slater I think once you have the budget to update the floors, curtains, and indoor lighting, the seasons will have changed a few times

Miguel Reed

How about getting a rug and lighter furniture?

Zachary Wilson

Choosing warmer paint tones such as terracotta and gold can help tone down the redness in the floor…but ultimately, replacing it may be the most effective solution if you’re unhappy with it.

Svirid Kovbasyuk

A lovely rug, complementing furniture, and the TV mounted above the fireplace

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