Can I transform a commercial bathroom sink into a vanity without purchasing a new sink, or is it something I can DIY?
5 months ago
Last Updated: November 4, 2024
So, we just moved into this new place and it’s currently getting renovated to switch from being a commercial space to a residential one. Check out this bathroom sink – do you think it’s doable to keep the sink and add a vanity on top of it? Is that even a thing? Can I do it myself somehow? I really don’t want to shell out for a brand new sink if I don’t have to.
You could definitely create one. I’m not sure if you can buy something like that, but you could always oogle it to double-check. Essentially, it would have a drawer at the bottom and U-shaped drawers or cabinets on each side with a filler in between, all wrapping around the plumbing. Just make sure to put it on casters in case of a leak.
There are vanity bases available that can be slid under this sink design
I was checking this out on Wayfair. It’s meant for a pedestal sink, but ours doesn’t have one. I’m not sure if it would still work.
Sure, I don’t see any reason why we can’t.
I think it would create a big hole if it’s not there… with the pedestal there, fewer things would slip through the cracks… I can’t help but imagine all those things falling through the empty spaces.
I don’t think it would cost much to give it a try and see. Thanks
You could always build one yourself, it’s not too difficult. ive it a shot, I guarantee you’ll be pleased, plus it’ll be enjoyable
Try searching for “pedestal sink cabinet” on oogle
You could go with floating shelves on both sides