Can I prime and seal can lights with a heat resistant coat before using a universal spray paint for color?

Asked by Rosie Martin
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 20, 2024

I’m in the process of painting our can lights, but I can’t seem to find the right color in heat resistant paint. Do you think it would be okay to prime and seal them with a heat resistant coat first, and then use a universal spray paint for the color?

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Carol Martin

LED bulbs don’t produce much heat, so you don’t have to worry about using heat resistant paint. If you’re not already using LED bulbs, you might want to consider switching to them.

Carol Martin

In my experience, most people just paint over can lights with the same paint they’re using for the ceiling. I’ve never really heard of using heat resistant paint on a light fixture since it shouldn’t get too hot. If you’re using LED bulbs, there’s really no need to worry about it.

Angie Stewart

I painted my can trims with regular paint 20 years back and they are still in good condition. I also have 75w incandescent light bulbs.

Benji Kuilder

Mentioned that LED bulbs emit much less heat compared to incandescent bulbs.

Cecilia Philippe

My family and I recently painted our radiators during the summer, and from what I’ve found in my research, modern spray paints are pretty durable and can withstand a significant amount of heat, which is perfect for radiators. I think any good quality spray paint should work well for this project.

Angie Stewart

Honestly, it’s a bit of an overkill with all the lights and radiators, you can check out this link for more info on high temperature coatings: https://resources.forrestpaint.com/when-to-use-high-temperature-coatings#:~:text=For%20temperatures%20above%20400%C2%B0,prevents%20corrosion%20and%20preserves%20aesthetics.

Mason Alvarez

I decided to change the color of my 4000W forced air heater covers to black using regular rustoleum paint, and surprisingly, the gloss remained unaffected.

Eleanor Martinez

What temperature are you expecting them to reach?

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