Can I paint the walls of a modular home if they resemble wallpaper?

Asked by Laura Henry
4 months ago
Last Updated: October 21, 2024

Can you paint the walls in a modular home? They seem to have wallpaper on them.

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Jasmine Wood

Maybe if I use some good primer, I could sand it down and remove it with a wallpaper stripper. It’s definitely going to be more work though.

Nathaniel Walker

Points out that it’s not real wallpaper, just a wallpaper-like covering. In many manufactured homes, they use wallboard or paneling with a vinyl-like covering that can be taken off.

Ana Luisa Saldivar

Is curious about how difficult it is to remove. My son specializes in vinyl wrapping. I wonder if using a heat gun would make the removal process easier.

Nathaniel Walker

Personally, I believe it may cause damage to the wallboard if attempted.

Adolfo Oliveira

You are absolutely correct, I perform this task daily

Adolfo Oliveira

Please refrain from doing that. Just make sure to prime and paint

Ana Luisa Saldivar

Thank you,

Nathaniel Walker

Oh, absolutely! I’ve gone through each wall in my home again. We even got rid of the divider strips and worked on taping & mudding the seams.

Nathaniel Walker

After that.

Esther Ramírez

Expresses admiration, saying it’s so nice!

Lucas Cano

Give it a good clean with TSP (or a tsp alternative), Prime it with Zinser bull’s-eye primer… Paint it with your favorite color. It’s going to look stunning. I used to work as a residential historic restoration contractor before I retired.

Harper Jean-Baptiste

Painting is possible, but the design’s texture will be visible. If that’s fine, paint with a good gripper primer after cleaning with TSP. If you prefer a smooth finish, you’ll have to remove the vinyl. I’ve tackled this before, and it wasn’t too difficult. Best of luck!

Ana Luisa Saldivar

Asked if it is made of vinyl rather than traditional wallpaper.

Harper Jean-Baptiste

Explained that it is a thick vinyl paper that is adhered to the board. It can be removed similar to wallpaper. There is a chance that what remains could be in good condition, but it is not guaranteed.

Ana Luisa Saldivar

Thanks, . I really dislike this appearance.

Harper Jean-Baptiste

Having blank walls is always better, but you can definitely improve this look.

Harper Jean-Baptiste

I also did, !

Jeff Wood

With sufficient research on the appropriate products, you can paint just about anything.

ملینا محمدخان

Sure thing, it’s vinyl wallpaper on top of gypsum board. Just make sure to use a high-quality paint.

Esther Ramírez

Drywall, taping, and texturing were done by my parents, which made a significant improvement. Those plastic walls and seams will never give the same quality look.

Cláudia Moraes

You have the option to paint it yourself. I recommend priming before painting.

Adolfo Oliveira

Yep, I’ve primed and painted a few times before.

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