Can I paint my cabinets the same color without sanding them before replacing the old wallpaper, or should I fix the wallpaper first?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 12, 2024
I’m thinking about updating the wallpaper and cabinets in the house. Do you know if I can paint the cabinets the same color without sanding them? Or should I start by fixing the wallpaper?
For the cabinets, it’s important to clean, sand, prime, and then paint. It’s recommended to remove the wallpaper beforehand
Make sure to sand before painting…
Thank you
Should I start with wallpaper first? It can get messy. Make sure to remove ALL the wallpaper glue. And definitely sand the cabinets before painting over them.
Hey there, ! Do you know which sandpaper grit I should use to remove that blue paint?
Any tips on how to even out this drywall?
Hey , could you remove it and replace it with a new one? It should only cost about 5-7 dollars, and it will only take an hour’s work if you’re good with your hands.