Can anyone solve the mystery of the dial in my Master bath that has baffled me since purchasing the house?

Asked by Cristóbal Sáez
4 months ago
Last Updated: November 3, 2024

So, we’ve got this strange dial in the Master bath that’s been a total mystery to us ever since we moved in. Any ideas on what it could possibly be for?

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Cathy Arnold

Looks like some type of timer, maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Radmila Mandić

It seems to be a dial for a heat lamp or light.

Vincent Brown

Do you need a timer for the heat lamp? Have you seen a colored bulb in a ceiling fixture?

Rafael Welch

Most likely a full house ventilation fan located in the attic. These fans help bring fresh air back into the home… maybe!

Quinn Cooper

This is what I came to say! Have the same!

Aatu Huhtala

Seems like a light timer that might not be connected anymore. If you turn it and nothing happens, that could be why.

Hudson Walker

Destiny dial, anyone?

Ajinkya Gamskar

Hey, the more you push in the dips, the longer it will stay on.

Elena Velasco

Seems to me like it’s a timer for a heat lamp

Ricardo Gómez

Tracy really got it right – that’s a timer for a ventilation fan

Valeska Olschewski

Game show wheel

Marcus Ramirez

It’s probably a timer for an exhaust fan or heat lamp, but it could also be for a whole house attic fan or something else.

Esperanza Cortes

My parents have a timer just like that in their bathroom. It’s for a heat lamp.

Aubrey Snyder

I think I prefer using a heat lamp instead of a fan. I assume the bottom slider lets you select between completely off, fully on (sunny), or timer setting

Rainer Caron

Timer function

Kaya Evliyaoğlu

Fan timer option

Liana da Paz

This is a timer for the bath fan or auxiliary heater. It has three positions: off, on, and timer. Slide the tabs in for “on” and out for “off”, or vice versa 😉

Heather Crawford

For a 15 amp timer. Rotating the dial around should activate the micro switch to send power at the designated time. If not, your bulbs are probably burnt out.

Heather Crawford

Lower switch also determines full off/on or timer.

Amelie Kirstein

Definitely a sundial. 😂

Lilly Pietschmann

What other method is there to operate the whole house fan?

Niilo Leinonen

Our jacuzzi is equipped with a timer function for the inline heater.

Loïc Dumont

Moving from left to right, the switch can be in one of three positions: Always off, always on, or timer mode. When the switch is pushed in on the white setting, it indicates that the device is running, while the other settings keep it in the off position.

پوریا قاسمی

Is that a ventilation fan? We had a similar dial in our older house.

Aldo Lira

It’s actually a timer switch. (My husband works as an electrician). We have one for our outdoor Christmas lights. If it’s programmed correctly, it appears that something is not operating from 6am to 11am, otherwise, it’s working. The bottom bar functions as the switch (from left to right) for full off, full on, and timer mode. It’s quite unusual to have this type of timer switch in the bathroom. Do you know what it’s controlling? Perhaps a heated floor, a fan (such as an attic fan), or a jacuzzi heater? There might be a more suitable switch available that we can install for you. Best of luck!

Astrid Johansen

Timer switch for underfloor heating?

Benoît Louis

Have you ever considered installing a whole house fan?

Saranya Chatterjee

I once purchased a hot water heater that came with a timer to switch it on and off, mostly off during the early hours of the day. Supposedly to conserve energy, but it ended up just causing some chilly showers until I got rid of it.

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