Can anyone identify the mistakes made by my boss while attempting to install his own subpanel?

Asked by Armando Velásquez
4 months ago
Last Updated: June 1, 2024

So, my boss thought he would tackle his own subpanel project. Any chance someone could take a look and see if he made any errors?

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Elisa Prieto

Perhaps Westinghouse had a point.

Charlotte Fox

Let’s begin by making sure neutrals and grounds are separated here in PA

Charlotte Fox

On a sub panel

Charlotte Fox

I missed it too, .

Mstislav Pogrebnyak

What in the world is happening with that main lug?

Mstislav Pogrebnyak

😂 Haha

Ella Blazhko

We could use more Halon, definitely.

John Williams

I’ve heard that if you really pay attention ….

Angie West

Haha, true

Ruslana Šakić

Hmm, I want it all!

Dwarakanath Taj

Shall we begin with what’s correct?

Amelia Roux

I can’t believe how foolish he is.

Halil Lautenschläger

When it comes to sub panels, remember to keep grounds and neutrals separate.

Kristin Braathen

Obviously there are no breakers in that panel. Come on.

Vidyalaxmi Saha

Wow, it looks fantastic! Time to switch it on.

Joaquin Herrera

His error was believing he was an electrician 🤣😂

Dick Black

I see neutrals and grounds grouped together in the same bus bar. That doesn’t seem right.
There are line wires in the lug with exposed ends.
Can you explain what that Daisy Bag contraption is all about?
I’m sure there’s much more I’m overlooking.

Rodney Miles

Hold on a sec…this man is your boss?? Are you in the electrical field?…because it’s pretty clear that he’s not!

Theo Zhang

You got it right about 😉

Jack Hall

That’s spot on about .

Bazhan Stepanenko

Look out for double taps on breakers.

Luna Lefevre

Consider starting with a POS panel.

Anita Foster


Vishrutha Mendonsa

Wait, was it actually on fire?

Minea Manner

Let’s begin again.

Rahel Noel

Hey, is this item still up for grabs?

Andri Fleury

If only he had hired an electrician!

Rémi Mercier

The mere fact that he touched it

Tanja Rukavina

No content

Tiffany Carr

Biggest mistake was allowing him to examine it, is he even still breathing

Lucy Richard

It’s easier to attempt to locate something that was done correctly.

Ernst-Dieter Kraus

Investing in a new panel would be beneficial.

Monica Cunningham

The mistake was clearly him attempting to do it himself in the first place!😂

Alberto Yáñez

Pull the cord

Mikhail Grosse

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Levi T Wilkerson

Pamela Castro

One of the mistakes made by your boss was hiring an individual who documents his errors with photos and shares them online.

Lea Nielsen

Apart from the unfortunate fire incident, it’s not too bad. Haha

Paula Riley

The charcoal finish is quite appealing. I think those are the latest smart panels.

Gabriella Garrett

So I guess he goes by the name Electrician.

Mariel Thorstensen

The big boss.

Elias Larsen

He messed up by picking electrical work since he really has no clue what’s happening…

Reinhild Kunkel

You should ask your journeyman about when his house last caught fire.. I’m willing to bet. It was probably less than five years ago

Ascenso Cavalcanti

Avoid connecting the Neutral in a sub panel.

Albert Woods

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