Can anyone help identify and confirm the purpose of the small wires found throughout our basement before I remove them?
6 months ago
Last Updated: June 23, 2024
Does anyone know what those little wires are running all over our basement? Could they be old telephone or bell system wiring? Just trying to figure out their purpose before deciding if I can get rid of them.
Thank you all! I removed anything that seemed like phone lines and left untouched what I think are doorbell and thermostat wires.
Most likely wiring for a doorbell
Perhaps a phone wire or doorbell wire
I think the transformer belongs to the doorbell, but the rest might be for the phone.
Oh hey, check this out – it’s a doorbell. The phone wire carries low voltage. This step down transformer is what brings the 120v down to 24v specifically for the doorbell.
The doorbell transformer is in the 3rd picture. Everything else is phone wiring.
Hey everyone! I’ve taken out all the stuff that seemed like phone lines and kept what I thought were doorbell and thermostat wires.
Possibly a low voltage transformer issue. Could be the thermostat or doorbell causing it
Maybe it’s like a ‘help’ button, to let your helpers know