Are you struggling to fix your screens while surrounded by wildlife in Trinity, Florida, or is everything going smoothly despite the challenges?

Asked by محیا سلطانی نژاد
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 16, 2024

As I work on fixing the screens I recently installed, my alligator and vulture buddies, along with a sea of ibis, are keeping me company. The spline I initially used was the wrong diameter, and last week’s 35mph wind gusts caused my new screens to start coming loose. They needed tightening anyway, so I’m using .175 diameter round spline to really secure them. I’m not a fan of flat spline, so I’m glad to be using the thicker round version now. It’s tough work, but my body is holding up well. Just two more screen panels to go, and I’m only 35 yards away from the alligator. He’s busy guarding his dead raccoon float to keep it away from the vultures. It’s all happening in Trinity, Florida, at 9:20am on 2/26/2024.

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