Are you prepared to handle any questions now that you’ve successfully completed your objective with flawless execution?

Asked by Zoe Flores
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 27, 2024

Mission accomplished! Get ready for questions…I nailed it.

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Raymond Mills

Wow, that’s quite a stack!

Andri Henry

Have you installed flashing on that 1 x 6 against the wall? I’ve never seen that look before. Normally, we would run the cedar shingles up to the asphalt roof shingles.

Andri Henry

The key is to make sure there’s a quarter inch space between the shingles and asphalt. Use copper step flashing instead of aluminum, keep the exposure to five inches or less, and make sure to hand nail instead of using staples. With those steps, those white cedars can last up to seventy years.

Josefine Poulsen

This is a lovely little detail, I just checked out a house today where the edges of the cedar were all rotten. This helps prevent that

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