Any tips for fixing peeling paint and repainting a room with wooden boards?
10 months ago
Last Updated: May 12, 2024
We removed the wooden boards and here’s what we found – remnants of blue paint from when our parents painted the room and boards, but now it’s peeling. There’s another spot where the paint is peeling too, not sure why. We’re thinking of painting the whole room. Any suggestions on our next steps? Thanks in advance!
You’ve got some prep work coming up. The walls need to be skim coated with joint compound for a smooth finish. Before that, peel off any peeling paint, especially in the red areas. Once you’ve removed all loose paint, skim coat over the peeled areas with joint compound. Use a large 12” knife to feather out the compound beyond the sanded edges. Allow it to dry, sand it smooth, prime, and then paint.