Any plumbers available to offer advice on burying pipes in concrete during interior remodeling projects?

Asked by Rasmus Savela
4 months ago
Last Updated: May 25, 2024

I do a lot of interior remodeling, and because of that, my DIY projects tend to be a bit more involved than usual. I have two questions for you all. First, does anyone here have any plumbing advice? Second, I’m wondering how to determine if I can redo and bury these pipes in the concrete.

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Augusta Schüller

That cast iron pipe is bound to leak one day and you’ll have to break it out of the concrete

Kathryn Day

I totally get it!!🤣🤣

Adamantino Duarte

Yeah, don’t bury those cast iron pipes. You should switch to PVC first, then pour concrete over them or cover them with something else. Eventually, the cast iron will start to rust.

Reina Solorzano

I recently renovated my 1963 home. Took out all the above ground cast iron but connected to the original underground pipes. They were in great condition. I’m not sure PVC would have held up as well…

Deniz Abacı

Forget that. It’s definitely time to bring in a trustworthy plumbing contractor. I’ve seen my fair share of messy plumbing issues, but this one is on a whole other level. Best of luck with everything.

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