Gas Meter Protection – Steel Post Protection: Called Bollards
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Gas meters that are located in locations where they may be bumped by a car or truck need to be protected. Homes that have an alley behind them occasionally will have gas meters exposed to the risk of being hit or where the gas meter is located in the driveway area of the home. The majority of times, it will be homes in older areas that have this issue.
Gas Company – Move the Gas Meter
Gas utility companies are very co-operative about improving the safety of their meters. They will sometimes move the meter for you or assist you in having a plumber move the meter. A short call to the gas utility company will generally give you all the information you need.
Add a “Bollard” (a steel post )
Protection is often provided by adding one or more steel post near the gas meter to prevent it from being bumped. These post are usually embedded in concrete to help hold them in place if hit.
Tip: If you add steel posts, use a heavy wall steel post; either schedule 40 or 80. Most contractors use schedule 40 steel. Avoid thin wall pipe used for electrical conduit or chain length fences. Once the post is set in place, fill it with concrete and then round the concrete off at the top so water will run off of the top.
The cost of adding steel post is relative inexpensive and easy to do. Concrete contractors, handymen and some home owners can generally do this type of improvement.
Who to consult? Plumbing and concrete contractors, as well as qualified handymen.DIY home owners can install bollards themselves much of the time. Plumbing and concrete contractors, as well as qualified handymen are usually most proficient and quickest at this type of work. If the gas meter needs moving, then the gas company would be the one to contact.
what should it cost for 2 posts for a gas meter residential size
About 600.00 for labor and materials depending on your city. Labor costs vary from state to state.
What does schedule 40 means ?
In relation to the bollard protective posts