Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Septic Systems

Home » Insurance » Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Septic Systems

Published: April 26, 2017 Last Updated: November 21, 2017

If your septic system backs up and cause damage in your home, you may be covered, depending on the type of policy you have. However, if it’s because of lack of maintenance, tree roots, a flood or earthquake, you probably are not covered. Note that coverage differs from policy to policy.

Policies with a sewer back up endorsement, may pay for damage caused by a sewer back-up and the clean up, but not the cost of repairing the sewer line itself, the septic tank or the leach field. The repair cost of the septic system can be more expensive than the damage caused by a sink or toilet back-up.

Sewer back-up insurance

Sewer back up insurance is usually available as an endorsement to your home owners policy. This endorsement may cover some of the damage cost you incur from a sewer backing up, however, it may not cover repair of sewer line or a septic tank.

Floods may cause water damage to a home and sometimes they may cause sewage from sanitary sewer lines to back up into houses through drain pipes. These also can cause damage that is difficult and expensive to repair, as well as create a health hazard.

Flood insurance

Flood Insurance may cover damage to your home and personal items, however, it normally doesn’t cover damage to a septic tank or leach field.

Most insurance policies usually exclude damage as a result of:

  • tree roots issues
  • leach field clogging or failure
  • deteriorated or rusted tanks or baffles
  • cracked tanks

Damage that is most likely not covered

Insurance policies will generally not pay for repair or replacement of septic system parts and components. They also will not pay for damage caused by lack of maintenance, which may include proper pumping and cleaning of the septic tank and filter, if one.

Bottom Line

When it comes to loses related to a  septic system or damage to septic systems, tanks and leach fields; the chances are that you are not covered. Most homeowners get confused or are not clear about what is covered and what is not. Reading your policy carefully and consulting with your insurance agent may help answer many of your questions and is wise to do.


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